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Have a Question?

Want to know more about Transfer Stations, or the waste industry?  We are happy to help.  Drop us your questions in the text box!

What is a transfer station?


Transfer stations are an integral part of any community and are common throughout the state of Oklahoma.  Transfer stations are part of the waste disposal process where waste can be consolidated and compacted in an enclosed facility and then moved off site within 24 hours.  The waste is primarily construction and demolition waste generated from the local area. 

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Transfer Station Advantages

  • Increased fuel savings

  • Reduced air pollution

  • Convenient drop-off locations for the local community

  • Improved safety at landfills and waste-to-energy facilities

  • Encourages adequate screening of waste items before disposal

  • Reduced amounts of solid waste materials on commercial sites

Transfer Stations provide a safe, clean, and enclosed area for the community and local haulers to safely unload and dispose of  waste. There are approximately 40 throughout Oklahoma, 5 of those surround the OKC metro, but 0 serve Oklahoma City.


Transfer Stations serve the communites that they are located within.  They help minimize the amount of illegal waste dumping that happens at local parks, community centers,  and businesses.  They give the community a viable option to dispose of waste in a more cost effective manner.  


Transfers stations benefit  the community by reducing wear and tear on vehicles from adverse conditons at landfill sites. Utilizing a transfer station  will help reduce the amount of time it takes to dispose of waste.


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